Friday, 6 January 2012

Fireworks Fail!

Check out this NYE fireworks display that went wrong at a resort on the South West coast of Thailand, thankfully no one was hurt in the accident...AMAZINGLY!

The show that was supposed to last a good few minutes only lasted a modest 30 seconds!

We all love fireworks fails!


  1. Good god! Somebody could have got hurt!

  2. Had a friend who was in Phuket(which I guess that video is from) at the time, luckily he wasn't on that exact beach though.

  3. Props to the camera for not running away and standing his ground. I would have made tracks after seeing that!

  4. That was hilarious. It looks like one of the first fireworks landed in the middle of the display. Suckas.

  5. I love the before and after shot when the fireworks goes off how everyone else have disappeared out of the shot!

    Weird Interesting News

  6. That's terrifying! Yet, for some reason I wish I had been there. I'd be like "shit it's raining fire!" and run outta there as fast as I could. =o
